What a great day! We headed out on our 2:00 pm departure and stopped at the mouth of Head Harbour Passage to watch a minke whale and then John, our captain/owner decided to head offshore in search of humpbacks. On our
way out towards the Wolves Banks we found Parachute (top picture), on the move to what looked to be the ebb tide feeding ground in the Grand Manan Channel. We spent about 45 minutes with Parachute, one of our favorite humpbacks and today was no different as "he" did a full breach very close to the boat. Breaching is a common humpback behaviour but certainly isn't seen on every 3 hour whale watch. As we were watching Parachute we saw another blow towards the Channel about 2 miles away. We headed over and found Hobo
(bottom picture), a humpback whale we haven't seen since September 6th! As we waited for "him" to surface again he breached off our bow, very lucky day.

Thanks for checking in and I will continue to keep you posted.
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