What a great day we had on the water! The sun was shining and there was no fog to be seen. It was also our first day that we had 3 departures and we saw finback whales on all 3! The whales were right off the entrance to Head Harbour Passage, only about 12 miles from St. Andrews so it was quick to get there and we were able to spend some time with them. There was a pair that was traveling together. On our AM trip we also followed a lone finback all the out to the Wolves but it was a little choppy that far offshore so we made our way towards Campobello Island.

The photo below shows the right hand side of a fin whale where the "blaze", the white from the lower right jaw extends over the head. The "chevron" markings are behind that. These markings are used for identification of individual fin whales.

Thanks so much for checking in, I wanted to leave you with this seal shot, the big seal in the middle is a male grey seal, the others are all harbour seals.
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